Stories I want to tell
Do you stop and think about the stories you want to tell?
The stories that will stand the test of time and be told or read after you have gone?
The stories I want to tell, are the little daily moments that require me to write them down otherwise I will forget. Journaling is really good for my soul, as a source to reference back to, not just to get things out of my head (which I am also thankful for lol!).
Then there are the events that happen during the year that I want to add my thoughts to. To give further explanation to or help explain what is happening in the photo? Holidays, birthdays, celebrations of graduations, and life changing events like births or sickness.
Finally the stories that I want to tell are the feelings I have at any given moment. Backed up with photos as I have mentioned before there is so much more detail in a photo that just what is taken, most often there is a story wrapped around why the image was taken in the first place. So much that can’t been picked up by just viewing the image by someone however reading the story behind it suddenly adds a whole new dimension to it, almost like humanizing it from one dimensional to a three-D image and the wonder that goes with that.
Are there things you want to ensure you document before you forget or before time runs away on you?