Feeling good

Isn’t it interesting how having a person either in your space or missing from your space has impacted my mental health more than I had honestly expected or thought it would.

Having my oldest boy home from University, back in our family home, eating together and chatting at night has been so refreshing. I found it hard when he moved to Otago (which is a few hours on a plane) as our home was missing his presence. I would walk past his bedroom and it would remain tidy (very unusual lol!). His sense of humour, his honest banter and his caring demeanor make me feel whole when he is around and seriously missing something when he isn’t around.

And the cherry on the top is his girlfriend who we are grateful to have stay with us too. Having an extra female in the household helps even up the testosterone. And the great part is that we are learning more about this remarkable young lady who loves my boy with all her heart. It is refreshing knowing not much about someone and slowly building this knowledge daily.

This year has been challenging to say the least - however having everyone home and safe where we can all just be, is a peaceful way to finish off this year. And I am feeling the joy - happy holidays!


Stories I want to tell


Organised or not?