SFD journal

Do you know what a SFD journal is?

I started this journal 2-3 years ago and it was so good for my soul.

SFD stands for ‘Shitty First Draft’ and I journal all the (sad, upsetting, annoying or hard) moments in my life that just hurt. This is where I have written anything about that particular situation that needed to come out of my head. By doing this it has helped me stop reliving it over and over again. It is like once it is on the paper then it was done/completed and no longer needing to try and make sense of it.

It is not that anyone else needs to read it or I needed to re-read it. Just a process of being able to move on with life and not be stuck by events of the past.

This has been extremely freeing. You should try it……


Kiwi Photo Lady


Time to read