Missing my creature comforts

Seems a little indulgent but I am really missing not being able to get a massage to help relieve tension. Or to get a manicure although I have painted my fingernails myself a few times, it doesn’t come close to having it taken care of by someone where I don’t need to think for about an hour. Even a pedicure, as I don’t like looking at my feet with no nail polish on. These items are self-care and it is long overdue.

On the positive side of lockdown, I have started a 100-day challenge, where I am almost halfway through. I am hula hooping for 10 minutes a day, and if I forget then I need to start again from one so now I am this far through I really don’t want to start again. I have also started a mediation practice. I am using a new app called Balance. I find the app is very easy to use and great at letting you know how you are going.

These actions are improving my days, and in a way are a different way to improve my self-care, I really do look forward to doing these items as it has become part of my daily practice.


Why ‘My Mahara’


Lockdown Long weekend