Photo books I have created

I get a great sense of joy when the post arrives and there is a new book ready to look over and reminisce with.

There are different reasons for creating books and I have created many over the years. From a Yearly photo book, celebrating everyday life, ABC’s for Alex, events, special holidays with family or friends through to a collaborative ‘10 Reasons why we love Matauri Bay’. If we have holidayed with family or friends I usually get 2 copies printed and give one to the other party as a gift of remembrance.

I have done soft covers, hard covers, ring bound, small, large and it all depends on what I am making as to how it is going to look.

Some have written narrations some only have photos. The great thing is there are no rules, and the key is that as long as you are happy with the book, nothing else matters. It is important to use your favourite photos and write down in words whilst you remember, do it and enjoy the end result.


Lockdown Long weekend


MTDT course