Photo a Day

A very special photo diary has been an integral part of my photo life for a very long time.

‘Collect’ a Photo Journal & Diary. Created by the Lens Lab Pty Ltd.

I have been using this app since 2014 - for 8 years I have been taking a photo a day. And this forms the basis of my Year in Review. As each month is a page and on the other page is the narration that accompanies the photo.

This has been an amazing way to remind me & make me feel grateful for the big & small things. Some days there hasn’t been anything to take a photo of but then I would look around and take a photo of something in my house or some quote I liked on the internet.

These books have been a great way of recording things that would normally have been lost in the years, a bit like not being able to see the wood for the trees.

I wished I had come across this app earlier in my life to help remember things that had been forgotten especially the time of my children growing up, it is those little details that hadn’t been written down that are now lost.


Every day life


Why ‘My Mahara’