Clutter or hoarding
At what point do you consider what you have in regards to anything memory keeping is too much?
Is it possible you feel like it is just massive clutter, as there is stuff everywhere and you don’t know how you can possibly organise it into something usable? Isn’t that what we really want to get to. To have something organised enough that it is easy to access or use for certain projects. But the size of the clutter is just overwhelming so nothing gets touched. You can imagine a time when the memories are organised and that brings you joy and a sense of relief?
Or do you feel like you could be classified as a hoarder because a while ago you did have clutter and now it is bigger than Ben Hur, it is impossible to even dream what it might be like to be organised.
I believe either of these states are not permanent. There is hope no matter what. And what it comes down to is time and energy to change this state of being.
I like to think that I can help people move into a state of organised bliss. Even though Rome wasn’t born in a day, a little bit of action each day/week or month moves you positively forward to a more joyous state being the end point of total organisation.
Being able to easily land your fingers on particular photos for the project you wish to create would give you a immense sense of satisfaction and proves to be such a time saver. Spending time getting organised now allows you time in the future for other things.