It all began with a passion
It all began with a passion. Photos. I used to take lots of photos with my old film camera when I was traveling, and I would always develop them. I was super keen when the first digital camera came on the market, I recall paying $2,000 for it (back in 2002) when my first son was just born. Also being new technology that was what excited me even more.
So that was the beginning, the initial interest was travel that then changed as we had our family. And with family came the written word along with the photos. Someone introduced me to the scrapbooking they had done for their family, and I loved the idea of using my photos, and my words along with creativity (colour, shapes and design). For a while, I did do paper-based scrapbooking but then life got busy and the time was not there to keep it up to date. The number one stressor was keeping it up or being organised enough to be able to do it when time permitted.
Then came Project life and other systems which are all great for those that had the time, but I was juggling too much to make that work for me. There had to be another way. I did do a lot of written journaling with dates so that at least the memories were written down in case the recall did not come easily further down the track when I was meant to have time to do it.
There had to be a better, easier way.