My very first Client
It began a about six months ago when I paid for an Angel Card reading. And during that reading Amy was very interested in my new business idea. She could see the light in my eyes as I talked about the projects that would be made and the organisation I wanted to do for people. When she said she would like me to do her daughter’s 21st I was shocked and honoured. Shocked that she hadn’t seen anything I had done yet she believed in me, and honoured as it was her oldest child and the timing couldn’t have been more perfect.
So I had that in the back of my mind, secretly pleased that there was a market for it. And at the right time it would happen. So fast forward a few months and I started with my first 3 month group business coaching session - Made to Do This. Those 3 months have done amazing things to my confidence, and it has pushed me to do things I probably would have procrastinated over for months more. So investing in me and my business idea was a big leap, as it wasn’t cheap but I knew I needed to get going as I have plans. I hadn’t invested in myself to that extent before but all the self help books I have read say that it is critical to gaining momentum to invest in coaching, and I truly believe that.
Fast forward to October, and I have produced not one but 2 photo montages for Amy’s daughter. One for social media and one for her personally with her favourite song by Elton John. I also went a little further because I wasn’t able to use all 180 photos Amy supplied in the photo montage I felt bad so I printed them all off and created a hand made photo album for her to hand around at her 21st party (when the lockdown levels will allow) for people to make comments and write memories beside certain photos. As I hope it will be an evolving project over time, I even popped a little note with guiding points on how to write a letter to your future self. Something she will treasure in the future.
It was a great honour & pleasure to create all this and then to hear how it was received was pure joy to my heart.